Departing from Quebec, I take the Quebec Bridge to join the 132, the Route des Navigateurs. Already, in St-Antoine de Tilly, the road is magnificent. From the top of the coast, the river lets itself be discover and attracts me.

A stop at the Quai de Lotbinière allows me to admire it more closely. I was strongly encouraged to have lunch at La Boucanerie del Tonio, but it's a bit early to start stuffing myself, Tonio will be waiting for my next visit.

A stop at the pier of St-Pierre les Becquets allows me to learn more about the importance of this village for the first settlers. This wharf was for a long time the only access to the river from which a ferry transported goods from one bank to the other.

It's dinner time. In Bécancour, the Ô Quai des Brasseurs' terrace welcomes me with a fruit sour beer and a tartare. The view of the river is splendid.
Now is the time to digest my meal and get moving. It's at the Anse-du-Port ecomaritime park in Nicolet that I stretch my legs. A 700-meter footbridge takes me to the riverside, crossing a landscape that resembles the Everglades. I even have the pleasure of seeing a muskrat. Attention ... it is in Nicolet that we find the school of the baby police officers and they look for games during their recess...
I take the 255 towards St-Zéphirin-de-Courval. It was unthinkable to visit this region without stopping in the Harley Davidson's Mecca. This church transformed into a Harley repair/sales shop has everything a biker could dream of to turn their motorcycle into a collector's item. The adjoining bistro, the St-Zeph, offers dining on the forecourt of the old church. Note: The pretty little Japanese girls are as well received as the big American ladies.
It was a long day. I therefore reserve a room at Auberge Jeffery in Danville. Three detours and "a nearly running out of gas" later, I finally made it to my inn. A quick shower and direction, on foot, for the Mante du carré. This shop offers market products and inspired menus. I'm too late, the kitchen is closed. But, in front of my dismay, they prepare a snack for me. Salad with vegetables so fresh they taste like spring, lobster rolls and cheesecake. Snacks like this ... I'll take them anytime.
After a good night's sleep and a latte, I visit Burbank Pond. Goslings feast on young shoots of grass under the supervision of adults. Danville is blessed to have this show in the middle of town.
First stop, Val-des-Sources... better known as Asbestos. A rider encouraged me to take a picture near a huge truck ... I dared for the novelty and took a picture near a huge "bucket". A glance at the teal blue lake at the bottom of the Jeffrey mine and I head back to the foothills of the Appalachians by taking route 161.
If St-Zephirin is the Mecca of Harleys, Tingwick, with its Festival mécanique, is the Nirvâna of motorcycles of all kinds. As I cross the village, a poster calls out to me ... Jardins et Sentier Les Pieds d’Or. I get off my mount to find myself in a corner of paradise adorned with works of art.
I continue on the 216. Ham-Nord, with its fields of Christmas trees, reminds me that there are only 6 months left before… good god … let's forget that.
Small photo with a big fish at Notre-Dame du Ham. Maybe I'll start the fashion among bikers.
I continue towards St-Ferdinand and Lake William. Nice but too touristy for my taste. Close by, the emerald fields of Ireland, where the smell of freshly cut hay teases my nose, are much more to my taste.
St-Jean de Brébeuf offers a splendid view of the Appalachians. Craig Observatory rest area, on the 216, let me admire the view in complete safety.
It's time to go home. Inverness and Ste-Agathe offer me one last memory of this magnificent region.
My favorite, route 216 which offers beautiful curves, beautiful views, beautiful discoveries.
