Today it is hot and humid... very hot and very humid. The temperature will surely be more pleasant on my motorbike traveling the countryside.
I leave the house with a vague idea. Let's start by crossing the Pierre-Laporte bridge and let ourselves be carried away. As soon as I find myself on the south shore, I take route 132 west. Short stop at Ste-Croix de Lotbinière to chat with my aunt and uncle. The last Covid-year has stretched family ties, now is the time to overcome this lack. I spend an hour chatting on the gallery while admiring the river at my feet... and I leave.

As usual, I stop here and there to photograph what catches my eye. Passing through Lotbinière, I remember that a rider warmly recommended La Boucanerie Del Tonio to me. It's almost 3:00 p.m. and I'm starting to feel hungry. I look at the "meaty" menu and go for Keto. Cheddar and bacon sausage, smoked meat, pulled pork, cheese curds, beet crisps and salad... all accompanied by a beer from La boîte à Malt. Okay,... now I understand why I kept hearing about it, this is my new favorite spot. In addition, they are installed on the Quai de Lotbinière with a breathtaking view of the river.
I continue on the 132 until a bubble in my brain causes me to take several turns in a completely random fashion. The villages follow one another...
Ste-Cécile de Levrard with its fields of tofu (soy)
Ste-Sophie de Levrard, where I stop to chat with a couple who are in the process of making an artisan bread oven.
Fortierville and its fields, whose freshly cut hay tickles my nostrils and brings back memories of youth.
In Villeroy, my peripheral vision allows me to see a cloud of dust behind a house. What is happening there. I retrace my steps and I come across a REAL enthusiast of remote-controlled cars. He built a track behind his house... which covers at least 300 m2. Ft. There is even an FB group for aficionados of these vehicles, Track Matt RC
I continue my journey...
Laurierville with its fields of nachos (corn) and bread (wheat)
Lyster with his giant marshmallows (hay)
I feel like I'm walking through the attic of Quebec. That, without forgetting the dairy farms, the honey shops, the beef cattle that I have encountered along the way.
Surprisingly, I crossed the Chêne River... 5 times. I felt like I was on "Groundhog Day". Its convolutions are enough to make us dizzy. 300 km later, here I am back home. Another wonderful day on my motorbike. To think that I did not know this pleasure less than a year ago.
